Provider Wellness

The well-being of our physicians and healthcare providers is very important to both Stanford Health Care and UHA. We want you to find joy in your work and feel fulfilled, to give the best of yourselves to your patients and family, and still have residual energy for your own well-being.

Please email to share ideas and suggestions.


Our leaders for the UHA Wellness Program are:



Bryan Bohman, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Associate Dean
for University HealthCare Alliance

Clinical Professor, Anesthesiology,
Perioperative and Pain Medicine


Rachel Roberts, MD
Medical Director, UHA Provider Wellness 
Medical Director, Collaborative Primary Care

Andrea Hausel, MPH, RDN
Wellness Director
University HealthCare Alliance

Get to Know Our Wellness Leaders


Provider Wellness Updates


Contact the UHA Peer Support Program
Have you or a colleague recently experienced a difficult clinical event or litigation?  Our UHA Peer Supporters are here to help you through it.  Connect with a Peer Supporter for confidential help.  Email:


    Stanford WellMD Classes    

Health Improvement Webinars








The products, information, and advice provided by this resource is not an endorsed product of Stanford or University HealthCare Alliance, and does not necessarily reflect the advice, opinion, and information of Stanford University and UHA.