University HealthCare Alliance

May 22, 2020

Video Visit Platform Upgrade Starts May 22

Starting Friday, May 22 the SHC Epic-Integrated Video Visit Platform will allow providers to overlay the video visit window on top of other applications (Like Epic). 

This feature will let you document notes and work within Epic, while still maintaining a view of the patient in the video screen. This change only applies to SHC-issued computers (SHC/UHA/VC).  

How to Use Video Screen Overlay:
  • Resize the video screen window as desired. (Note: There is a limit to how small the video screen can be resized.)
  • Video screen will always overlay on top of other applications unless you minimize the video screen window. Click on the VidyoConnect icon on the taskbar to view video screen window again.
Key Points:  
  • The upgrade to the video visit application will be pushed out to all SHC desktops and laptops with Windows starting Friday, May 22 at 6pm, and will continue through Thursday, May 28th. 
  • If you have an SHC device at home, log in using the VPN connection to receive the automatic update. It is recommended that the device be left on the network for an hour. 
  • Please be aware if you are conducting a Video Visit during the update, it will log you out to complete the installation. 
  • This update will not apply to personal computers, School of Medicine computers, or Macs.