University HealthCare Alliance

October 02, 2018

UHA Policy and Procedure Updates

Existing Policies Updated: 

Environmental Health & Safety/Security (EHSS-03) – Portable Electric Space Heaters

Purpose of this policy is to outline the use of electric portable space heaters at UHA owned and operated facilities.  It is the policy of UHA to minimize the risk of fire and personal injury from the use of portable electric space heaters. 

Key updates:

  • The use of electric portable space heaters in any patient care area is prohibited.
  • Portable electric space heaters are allowed in areas that are exclusively administrative and where no patient care or contact takes place. 

Health Information Management System (HIMS-01) – Legal Medical Record 

Purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines that define what is included in the legal medical record, including what information must be sent to the UHA Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) Department.  The UHA Legal Health Record definition and standards provides a framework for the integrity of paper and health and electronic clinical documentation systems that compile and maintain UHA to meet patient care and regulatory requirements.  The legal medical record contains information to identify the patient, support diagnosis, justify treatment and services and promote continuity of care among health providers.