University HealthCare Alliance

September 11, 2018

Stanford University Launches the EMPOWER Study

Stanford University just launched the EMPOWER study, a 4-state patient-centered opioid tapering study.  EMPOWER is good for patients taking long-term daily opioids who either want to reduce their opioid use or are being mandated to reduce their opioid dose. If enrolled in EMPOWER:

  • Stanford takes over all opioid prescribing for 12 months, the duration of the study (primary care remains with their PCP).
  • Stanford manages any tapering discomfort, so UHA physicians are unburdened from this.
  • Stanford tracks EMPOWER patients weekly with surveys and triage symptoms of discomfort.
  • 2/3 of EMPOWER patients receive free pain management classes at Stanford or around the Bay Area.
  • Patients can earn up to $220 for completing our surveys over the course of the one year study.

To learn more about EMPOWER click here.