Our March spotlight is Romee Edwards from the Revenue Cycle Education and Quality Team. She was nominated by her manager, Justina Mensah, who wrote this inspiring nomination.
“Romee has encouraged a lot of people at the UHA Administration office to be mindful of what we eat and to exercise. In June 2016, Romeika started her weight loss journey. She instantly revised her diet and started utilizing the gym, during her lunch breaks. Through the process she has lost 40 pounds. This picture shows Romee holding the amount of weight that she has lost in her hands. She has encouraged all her team members to eat healthy, walk daily and to even exercise when we get home. Thanks for encouraging your team Romee, we are so proud of you.”
WELL@UHA sat down with Romee to share her favorite tips to be well.
Q. What keeps you motivated to continue with the healthy lifestyle changes you made?
A. The passion to see myself push past my own physical barriers.
Q. What’s your best tip for someone with limited time to exercise?
A. A little bit goes a long way. Walking is a good start and allows you to explore the world!
Q. If you could give your UHA peers one piece of advice about wellness, what would it be?
A. Wellness goes beyond physical fitness. It’s about mental health as well. Take care of you :). .
Q. What’s your favorite way to feel energized throughout the workday?
A. I like to take classes at the gym at work (Body Shred, Boot Camp, PRC pump, Weights, Zumba).
Q. When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy doing?
A. I enjoy doing all kinds of physical activity, including Tire Dragging, Outdoor Boot Camps including climbing 19 flights of stairs, etc! I also enjoy spending time with my family and dancing with the kids.
Congratulations on the 40#, but even more so on staying motivated and motivating those around you! Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us.