University HealthCare Alliance

February 26, 2020

Complete the 2020 Provider Wellness Survey

UHA, UMP, MMC, and CCMG remain committed to improving the wellness and professional fulfillment of our providers. To make progress, we need to hear your perspective. Please take a few minutes to complete the 2020 Provider Wellness Survey. Your responses will help inform our efforts to make system improvements that will make our medical groups a better place to practice medicine.

Please note that this year the survey invitation will come from a third-party survey administrator with the email address: This is not spam! Please do not delete.

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is part of our annual incentive goal. More importantly, we ask that you thoughtfully respond to the questions to receive accurate real-time feedback, knowing that your answers are confidential, as always. Our third party survey administrator only provides survey results in aggregate, not by individual response. 

You will receive your survey link via email on Monday, March 2, and the survey closes on Friday, April 3.

You are the heart of our organizational success, and we are eager to hear your voice. Thank you for your responses in past surveys and thank you in advance for your participation in this important activity. Your answers will help us focus our efforts to increase efficiency in your practice and build a culture that supports wellness and professional fulfillment.

If you have any questions, please email

See our survey FAQ for more details.

Rachel Roberts, MD
Medical Director, 
Provider Wellness
Medical Director,
Collaborative Primary Care

Andrea Hausel, MPH, RDN
Wellness Director
University HealthCare Alliance

Bryan Bohman, MD
Chief Medical Officer
University HealthCare Alliance