Dear UHA Colleagues:
It is with great pleasure that we share our 2018 Provider Wellness Survey Reports (click to view the executive summary and full report). This is our fourth annual survey and we achieved a 99% response rate. Thank you for your participation!
Below are the key findings of the report:
- 48% of providers report professional fulfillment
- Average rates of professional fulfillment have remained steady, while levels of high professional fulfillment increased by 11%
- Provider burnout declined by 12% over the past year
- Female providers had a higher burnout rate than male providers (29% vs 17%) and a lower rate of professional fulfillment (40% vs 62%)
- The drivers that predicted both professional fulfillment and burnout are: expression of gratitude to others, self-valuation (previously called self-compassion), perceived EHR helpfulness and sleep impairment.
Over the past year, we launched the Comradery Project – a six-month pilot aimed at improving levels of professional fulfillment in our providers. We also hosted two Women in Health Care workshops.
During the coming year, we plan to continue the Comradery Project, offer sleep therapy and sleep improvement tools, and continue to build out our Women in Health Care offerings. Future projects include: expanding the Epic concierge program, working on upgrading our EHR login capabilities, investigating avenues for collaborative documentation, piloting video visits, continuing medical assistant professional development, and expanding our adoption of team-based care.
This week, the medical group leaders will receive detailed survey reports for each medical group.
We are passionate about making UHA the employer of choice in the Bay Area, both for our high-quality patient care and also for the high professional fulfillment of our medical staff.
Please email us at with any questions.
Rachel Roberts, MD
Medical Director, Provider Wellness
Medical Director, Collaborative Primary Care
Andrea Hausel, MPH, RDN
Wellness Director
University HealthCare Alliance
Bryan Bohman, MD
Chief Medical Officer
University HealthCare Alliance