University HealthCare Alliance

April 06, 2016

This Quarter’s Healthful Habit Theme: Nutrition

This quarter our healthful habit theme is nutrition. Eating well is a key to feeling energetic, resilient and healthy. As healthcare providers, you are also in a key position to provide nutrition advice to your patients. Research shows providers who practice healthy habits themselves are more likely to educate their patients on these topics. We hope these documents provide some food for thought about your own nutrition habits, as well as the food environment in your workplace.

The documents we’ve created include a Q&A on current hot topics in nutrition, an action plan to help you map out the improvements you’d like to make in your own diet, suggestions on how to create a work environment that promotes healthy eating and our own nutrition ‘hacks.’

We’re creating a document that features UHA providers’ nutrition tips. We’ve shared our nutrition hacks to get you started and hope you’ll email us your tips as well.

Share your thoughts and comments for others to participate here on the blog or privately at